Saturday, 29 October 2016

Fast Day 2

Well Fast Day 2 was a couple of days ago and it went well. I think I had a total of 270 calories for that day. It was harder on day 2 then it was on day 1. My goal is still in mind, and I want to lose the 20kg my Dr. has recommended that I lose. Its hard to find low cal food that taste good. And knowing what you can and can't eat. Cutting carbs is the hardest part for me, but with strong will power it can be achieved.

Tuesday, 25 October 2016

Fast Day 1

Well yesterday was my first fast day. And I gotta say, I did pretty well. I only ingested a total of 160 calories. 500 being the max limit for yesterday. I woke up and was so determined that I didn't even think of food. Green tea for breakfast, and string cheese at 430pm. I then had a bowl of soup totalling 46 calories. Throughout the day if I got even the slightest bit peckish I would have a sugar free barley sugar. They work wonders. I just have to remember to drink water like its going out of style.

Today was my birthday, so I didn't stick to staying under a calorie count I wanted, but I made healthier choices then I typically would have. My next fast day is on Thursday. I have to find some recipes for low-cal food.

Sunday, 23 October 2016

Day 3

I think I'm only going to post daily for the first week, then I will post on "Fasting" days only. Tomorrow is my first fast day and I have no idea what I am going to eat. I know that I will be drinking water all morning, and possibly some green tea. I may buy some barley sugars just to have that little bit of sugar input with not so many calories. It is for sure going to be a wonderful adventure. Just got to make sure that I stay busy and keep my mind off of things. Doing school work is a wonderful distraction and keeps me busy.

I must remember to add in the exercise tomorrow. I keep putting it off, due to having a cold and then the weather is just too cold outside today to go for a walk. I was going to drive to the beach and go for a run but the winds with the ocean breeze would be freezing. I know you warm up when you run, but ugh! Don't wanna.

Saturday, 22 October 2016

Day 2 of the Diet

So yesterday I joined a support group on Facebook that is focused around this diet. I got some good advice, like trying to pick your 2 busiest days of the week... which I don't really have any. But I'm going to go with Monday and Thursday. Keeping it under 500calories is going to be a challenge on those 2 days, but soups are a wonderful substitute for actual chewable food, and it is low in calories. So bring on the soup! Fingers crossed this actually work. Its bad enough having to deal with infertility due to the PCOS (and yes I've had a baby, but it took 7 years and a lot of fertility treatment), and hair growth in delightfully annoying places, and acne (thankfully not to bad), but the weight gain is the worst. You have to work twice as hard to lose even a kg.

I use to count my calories. Sometimes its a little off on the calories they have written down, but you can improvise.

Breakfast: 4 cardboard bars again, aka Wheat Bix.

Friday, 21 October 2016

Trying to Lose Weight with the 5:2 Diet

Fingers crossed this works.

I will be starting this diet next week, once I get some more information about it. I have PolyCystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), which can cause weight gain, among other things. I have reached 86kg (190lbs) and am completely miserable about it. I weight 190lbs when I was pregnant, and now not pregnant I weight that much once again.

I saw my Dr. yesterday and he is the one that recommended this diet, along with exercise for a minimum of 20min a day. Cutting carbs, and any other unhealthy thing he could think up. I have to keep a diary of everything I eat that day. It sounds really challenging, especially the giving up carbs thing, but I think I can do it. If I want to lose weight then this way will hopefully work. I've tried just about everything else.

Good luck to me.

Oct 21 2016:

Weight:  86kg.

Food Eaten: 
Breakfast: 4 wheat bix... Cardboard YUM

Lunch: A whole orange, some watermelon along with a pineapple with mint fresh squeezed juice (YUM).

Dinner: 3 slices of left over homemade pizza.

Snack: Pfuffernuise