Saturday, 22 October 2016

Day 2 of the Diet

So yesterday I joined a support group on Facebook that is focused around this diet. I got some good advice, like trying to pick your 2 busiest days of the week... which I don't really have any. But I'm going to go with Monday and Thursday. Keeping it under 500calories is going to be a challenge on those 2 days, but soups are a wonderful substitute for actual chewable food, and it is low in calories. So bring on the soup! Fingers crossed this actually work. Its bad enough having to deal with infertility due to the PCOS (and yes I've had a baby, but it took 7 years and a lot of fertility treatment), and hair growth in delightfully annoying places, and acne (thankfully not to bad), but the weight gain is the worst. You have to work twice as hard to lose even a kg.

I use to count my calories. Sometimes its a little off on the calories they have written down, but you can improvise.

Breakfast: 4 cardboard bars again, aka Wheat Bix.

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