Saturday 16 October 2010

Mascara Commercials

I was watching TV last night, which in itself is a rarity, and a mascara commercial came on. The commercial was stating that if you buy this product your eyelashes will look like false lashes. Now they show the woman's, I'm sorry models, eyelashes before and after. OK, if mascara not only made your eyelashes double in amount and grow in length women everywhere would be using this product!!!!

Question: How does mascara do that? 

So... I'm sitting, watching, and thinking! (Dangerous!) Do the producers of this commercial honestly believe that we don't know that the before shot is of women with "normal" false eyelashes on, and that the after shot is of the woman with the false lashes that have a massive amount of hair? Mascara just doesn't do that! Believe me... I know from first hand experience. I have the mascara they were advertising. Now I didn't buy it because of the commercial, I brought it because it was on sale and I couldn't find the one I normally buy.

Answer: IT DOESN'T!

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