Saturday 4 June 2011

Conversation with MIL

Yesterday I had the most interesting conversation with my MIL (mother-in-law) via text. Yesterday she had a tooth removed. So I sent her a text instead of calling because I knew that she would more then likely not be able to speak. This is how that went:

ME: How are you feeling?

MIL: Vebery sleep. And witd some pai m had to gopp and I cannnt walk good headhardDd.

ME: What?

MIL: Nwou I mzleepie cindi. Foof dog cake good cfair of meeee

ME: What? Are you high?

MIL: Bach at u hey

-- Ok I still have no idea what the hell she was going on about. I can figure out some of it but wow... she must have been doped up to the eyeballs. I got a good laugh out of it though :-)

1 comment:

  1. Well it's been going on two weeks since my the big tooth ordeal. Not sure what those two little blue pills were, but I really don't remember a thing.
    I can't wait for my met tooth to be pulled, Thanks for the lol! Ashley :)
    Best sleep ever the red in my eyes want away for a few days.
