Saturday 8 October 2011


We've FINALLY arrived on the mainland. We got here a week ago. We flew into Dallas, Texas because that is where our car had been shipped to. The day before we left Hawaii I called the company that had received our car and asked how far the place was from the airport, the man told me 1/2 a mile. OK 1/2 a mile really isn't that far, I mean I could walk it. So we got in a cab and told him where we wanted to go, well 10 minutes go by and still no car place... We ask the driver how far it was away, and he was like 15 - 20 miles. Thats a whole lot further then the 1/2 mile we thought it was. So we pick up the car, take it to get an oil change and then drive it down to Houston. Let me tell you this, Houston is BIG but Dallas is MASSIVE! It is so ridiculously big, and the driving and congestion is ridiculous. We eventually got out of Dallas and onto the freeway to take us down to Houston. The drive was long and boring. Seriously, the drive was literally a straight line. Put some curves in to keep the drivers awake, would ya?! So we drove on this straight and boring road for 3 - 4 hours... SO BORING!!!

We arrived in Houston and our dog Sam was already here waiting for us. So we were all over him and excited to see him once we walked in. By 7pm that night we were exhausted, so we go to bed, were fast asleep, and the door busts open and in walks B's brother C. I mean have you ever heard of knocking?! So while B got up to sit and talk with his brother I rolled over and went back to sleep. I specifically asked my MIL if C and K were coming over, she responds with NO they aren't... OK so we can go to sleep and not have to worry about anyone coming over... BOY was she wrong! Anyhow...

So we've been here a week and we really haven't done much of anything. I keep telling B that we are going to need to buy winter clothing, as pretty much all our clothes are for the summer time. He just responds with No we don't... AH you're wrong! Anyhow... I think that is what we are going to do today, or at least what I am going to do today. So until next time... I'll try to remember to take some photos so I can post those.

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