Tuesday 30 November 2010


Well the other day Hawaii had an earthquake. I was sitting on the lounge chair and I started shaking. First I thought it was Sam leaning against the edge of the chair having a scratch, but I look down and NO it isn't him. So then naturally my next thought is that it was of the people upstairs stomping around making me shake... yes I'm blonde. As if the people upstairs could make me shake with like 8 feet between us. *rolls eyes* So then I thought "It's all in my head", like I imagined shaking. It was such a gently shake. So 10 - 15 minutes went by and a news alert thingy started scrolling along the bottom of the TV saying that there was an earthquake.

The last time there was an earthquake in Hawaii that I can remember was a few years ago and the power went out for 10+ hours. Some places it was out for over 24hours. So I'm assuming that is why I didn't think it was an earthquake because of the no power outage. I seriously thought I was going insane until the news alert came up. I found it highly amusing a couple of days later when I was talking to my mum about it. We were both cracking up with the face that I thought the people upstairs were making me shake... So stupid!

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