Tuesday 29 March 2011


I must say that I am surprisingly sick of seeing F***ING CUPCAKES EVERYWHERE!!! Yes they're delicious, and yes they're cute to look at, but come on!!! Its annoying. I'll tell you what brought this I'm sick of cupcakes rant on... I was looking through other random blogs and I saw about 3 with cupcake backgrounds. CUPCAKES!!! Whatever happened to whole cakes, are people so weight conscious now that they can't have a slice of cake, they have to eat a f***ing cupcake?! I also hate when you go to the store and you see a whole bunch of cupcakes in the shape of an actual cake. Why not buy an actual cake! I get it, this way you don't have to dirty a knife, plate or fork; but you do end up with sticky fingers and a piece of paper. I also hate that now cupcake stores are EVERYWHERE. (well maybe not everywhere, but they're around.)

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