Saturday 12 May 2012

Foot Paths

I'm finding it hard to understand why people refuse to walk on foot paths. Foot paths are built for FEET. Roads are built for CARS. It is not the first time this has happened to me... the first time I was driving home and 2 teenage girls were walking on the road, and they did NOT move for my car. I wanted to honk at them but I wasn't the one driving. The second time it happened, it was 2 adults pushing a STROLLER!!! Now they should have known better! Who pushes a stoller while walking on the street... if you don't give a shit about your life, that is fine by me, but for goodness sake take care of that child in the stroller and put him/her on the foot path out of harms way.

Today took the cake!!! It was about 5 teenagers, walking down one of the main roads in my housing division. They saw the car coming, and not only were they walking on the street when we were getting closer they decided to stop and have a conversation while standing on the road. Now I know that when I was younger I walked on the road, but if I EVER saw a car coming I would always move onto the foot path and I never ever walked on a main road in the middle of the street.

Foot Paths are put there for your own safety and I wish people could realise that. Its like when people cross the road away from the crossway part, and are about 10 - 20 feet away from it. If you want to cross the road safely then walked on the cross walk. That was also put there for your safety!!!

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