Sunday 20 February 2011

Texas ~ DAY 1

Well… I have arrived!!! What a long flight… that I didn't sleep on! I kept dozing off and then waking up thinking the plane was plummeting to the ground! How freakin' scary is that!!!

The guy picking me up to take me to the airport was 30 minutes late getting me, then I get into the airport and I had to sit outside of the terminal… They closed it off because they had someone in customs holding. So we are all sitting outside the gates and at the airport in Hawaii its not air conditioned throughout the whole building. So it was bloody HOT!!! Well hot for 6pm at night. Don't you just love when the airline workers say that "We're getting ready for boarding" and its like everyone stands up. You aren't going to be first people… only the people that spend a fortune on tickets get to go on first and so on. So the people are standing up to wait in line to sit back down. People take a chill pill and relax, the plane isn't going to leave without you!

I just love how 3+ years ago when they would come around with your meal (I was on a plane you didn't have to pay for it on) they use to give you a choice between chicken or fish, or something like that. Now they give you this nasty burger type thing… YUCK! Its not enough that you now have to pay for luggage, you now have to pay for headphones, drinks, and on some airlines food. I mean aren't the actual airline tickets covering everything?! I know, I know… RANT RANT RANT

Then when you land everyone stands up all at once because apparently the doors are going to open miraculously and you are going to get off as soon as the plane is done taxiing. Its not going to be that quick people!!! Then waiting for you luggage at the carousel, everyone stands in the same spot when there are perfectly good spots all around… No lets all stand in a congregation and get in everyones way when we actually try to take the bags off the thingy. Ugh… your bags aren't going to move any quicker, or necessarily be the first ones out.

Well I finally got out of the airport and had a very nice breaky with my MIL and SIL (mother/sister in law). Followed by a trip to the grocery store, where me naturally in my sleepless state stood in front of what was needed and stared at it thinking "what is it I needed to get?" I walked so slowly through the grocery store in a complete and utter daze!

Then home!!! My beautiful dog Bindi came running up and all crazy, getting in my face and wagging her tail non-stop. Luckily she didn't get me with the tail… that sucker hurts! I take a nice relaxing shower with plenty of HOT water! (I complained to my MIL she didn't have enough hot water the last time I was here) Got out and decided to take a nap… 2 hours later I heard a guitar being strummed and it wakes me up… I thought it was on the TV. Then here comes Bindi again wanting me to wake up and her tail must've hit the guitar and strummed it… all I could say was "Its good to know shes musically inclined".

Well day 1 is still in progress I am going shoe shopping and to visit some friends which I am looking forward to.

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