Friday 21 October 2016

Trying to Lose Weight with the 5:2 Diet

Fingers crossed this works.

I will be starting this diet next week, once I get some more information about it. I have PolyCystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), which can cause weight gain, among other things. I have reached 86kg (190lbs) and am completely miserable about it. I weight 190lbs when I was pregnant, and now not pregnant I weight that much once again.

I saw my Dr. yesterday and he is the one that recommended this diet, along with exercise for a minimum of 20min a day. Cutting carbs, and any other unhealthy thing he could think up. I have to keep a diary of everything I eat that day. It sounds really challenging, especially the giving up carbs thing, but I think I can do it. If I want to lose weight then this way will hopefully work. I've tried just about everything else.

Good luck to me.

Oct 21 2016:

Weight:  86kg.

Food Eaten: 
Breakfast: 4 wheat bix... Cardboard YUM

Lunch: A whole orange, some watermelon along with a pineapple with mint fresh squeezed juice (YUM).

Dinner: 3 slices of left over homemade pizza.

Snack: Pfuffernuise

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