Saturday 18 September 2010

Honolulu Zoo

One of the many turtle/tortoise
Yesterday my friend Ji and I went to the Zoo. I LOVE the Zoo. I love everything about it! But, I must say I was a little disappointed with Honolulu Zoo. Now I've been to the Zoo here about 2 times prior to my latest excursion. You see they've been renovating the Zoo so I thought I would check it out and see the updates, which there haven't been many... yet! My favourite thing at the Zoo, besides the Giraffe, is the Reptile Centre. I love snakes... don't ask me why as I have absolutely no idea. So my friend Ji and I walk to the Reptile Centre and guess how many snakes they have.... ONE!!! One snake, that was in hiding! They had about 6 turtles/tortoise, one giant toad, a spider, a frog, and one snake. All of those things aren't even reptiles! Makes NO sense whatsoever to me.

"African Safari" entrance
Lunch Time
On Guard
So after visiting the "Reptile Centre", we ventured into the "African Safari" section. Which is pretty much the majority of the zoo. You see the "Chief" is welcoming everyone into the African Safari section. It is actually a pretty cool statue and a nice way to be welcomed. So in this part of the Zoo you have you Zebras and Giraffes, Lion and Tigers, MeerKats, some birds, Elephants... I think thats all they had. There were also Hippos in this section and Rhinos. And the Crocodile area, had no crocodile but a pile of bones. Very creepy. The Meerkats were so cute... about 6 or 7 were sleeping and one was keeping watch, he was on "Guard Duty". The Elephants enclosure isn't as big as you would think. They did have signs saying they were building a new enclosure for the Elephants, something with a whole lot more room I hope. In my opinion they need plenty of room to roam around, where they were at was rather small for the two big elephants.

Next was the "Bird Sanctuary", which I must add is actually pretty good. They had one of my favourite birds.. the Kookaburra. Kookaburras are native to my home country of Australia and we say that if you hear two Kookaburras laugh at the same time then it is going to rain. (I can never remember if that is true or not.) The don't chirp like normal birds, these birds are originals, they laugh. I'm not kidding!!! If you don't believe me you can view the laughing at:

Just Chillin'

We also viewed the Primates which I think are Ji's favourites. Before we entered the Zoo I asked her what her favourite Zoo animal was, and she answered with Dog. But, she may have changed her mind once we saw the Primates. I don't know what sort the one in the pic is called, but it was sooooo cute. It looked so relaxed! We then came across some turtles/tortoise, (I can't tell the difference), one was actually moving pretty fast for a slow creature.

Diamond Head

Also, at Honolulu Zoo you get a pretty nice view of Diamond Head. I think we started to make plans on climbing it. I've climbed it twice before but Ji never has and I think she'd enjoy it. I mean the walk up is KILLER in my opinion, but so worth it once you reach the top. Then you (I) run or walk, whichever you prefer, down the mountain and get yourself a snow cone. The snow cones really are the only reason for climbing the mountain!!! They are DELICIOUS.

San Antonio Zoo.
I'm adding a picture at the end of a snake that I took at San Antonio Zoo, now that was a good day! I really liked that Zoo. Taronga Park Zoo in Sydney is by far my favourite though!
Isn't it cute ---->

I know I'm crazy right?!

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