Saturday 28 August 2010

My Dream Interpretation

Last night I had a terrible dream. I dreamt about tarantulas... not just 1 there were 3 of them. Now every time I dream about spiders/tarantulas something happens, I just need to figure out what it means. I haven't dreamt about spiders in about 3 years, but I can still remember the last time I did and what it meant, I'm not going to go into it, but the outcome was good.

Anyhow, last nights dreams was gross and bizarre and a little scary. (I hate spiders... *shiver*) In my dream there were 3 tarantulas. One was dead, one was dying and the other was very much alive.

Now the way the first one died was by a boy eating it. Yes eating it, while it was alive. Very gross and its making me feel sick right now thinking about it. But he didn't eat the big fat bit like the guts I guess, I imagine it to be where the web is kept. Gross I know!

The second one was barely dying, after it was thrown at me and shot out its web on me then landed on the web, now it was barely dying because it was flicked away against a wall very hard. Its not fun dreaming of a big tarantula coming for your face!

The third one was very much alive because when I started to run it started to chase me.

Every time I have these dreams I run into the same person and I ask that person to please collect the spiders; which he does, without asking too many questions.

Every time I dream of spiders/tarantulas I tend to have something happen within my relationships with a loved on. I have a feeling this dream has something to do with my mother and the choices I have with dealing with her on the current situation.

I think the dead spider represents the relationship we could have if I chose that path. That path being the path of never speaking to her again! (which is the one I'm currently on.)

The dying spider, could mean our relationship could become more strained and uncomfortable. Our relationship prior to the problem was fairly good. Not great, but good. So this could mean our relationship could go on the fritz. Speaking, but not really talking.

The very much alive spider could mean that things will go on as they always have. I'm not sure about the chasing me part. Perhaps the chasing me means this is the choice I should make but I keep running away from it.

I'm not entirely sure what to think on this matter, and I'm pretty sure it'll all become clear after the choice has been made. I guess its a way of letting me know that there is a choice which I have to make and I have to make alone and on my own terms.

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